Hola Carolina and the COVID Collaborative are leading a massive communications effort to educate the Latino community and build confidence around the COVID-19 vaccines. We have created several toolkits to help community leaders share information with the public.
We know that many Latino families and individuals have concerns and questions. And that’s okay.
We’re here to make it easy to educate your community members about COVID-19 vaccines.
If you are looking for existing assets to use in your campaign, check out our shareable videos, social graphics, email templates, and PSAs.
Anyone who is sharing information about the COVID-19 vaccine with their community, including health care professionals, team leaders, community and business leaders and non-profit organizations, can use and adapt the resources here to build confidence in the COVID-19 vaccines. This page will be updated frequently with sample social media posts, graphics and other materials for you and your organization to use.
You can help people in your community find their spot and take their shot.
NCDHHS: COVID-19 Vaccine Communications Toolkit
Version en español: covid19.ncdhhs.gov/kit-de-herramientas-de-comunicacion-sobre-vacunas-covid-19
Ad Council: COVID-19 Vaccine Communications Toolkit
Version en español: https://hispaniccommunityvaccinetoolkit.org/
WNC Health Network: COVID-19 Vaccine Communications Toolkit
We understand there is power in going beyond organizational boundaries and doing together what we may not be able to do alone. The COVID Collaborative is proudly supported by the following organizations.